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clop v0.2.5,Go 实现的纯结构体命令行解析器

  •  项目地址
    • https://gitee.com/guonaihong/clop
    • https://github.com/guonaihong/clop
  • 本次更新内容
    • 优化:SetVersion接口
    • 新增:issues模板


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clop (Command Line Option Parse)是一款基于struct的命令行解析器,麻雀虽小,五脏俱全(从零实现)。


  • 支持环境变量绑定 env DEBUG=xx ./proc
  • 支持参数搜集 cat a.txt b.txt,可以把a.txt, b.txt散装成员归归类,收集到你指定的结构体成员里
  • 支持短选项proc -d 或者长选项proc --debug不在话下
  • posix风格命令行支持,支持命令组合ls -ltrls -l -t -r简写形式,方便实现普通posix 标准命令
  • 子命令(subcommand)支持,方便实现git风格子命令git add ,简洁的子命令注册方式,只要会写结构体就行,3,4,5到无穷尽子命令也支持,只要你喜欢,用上clop就可以实现
  • 默认值支持default:"1",支持多种数据类型,让你省去类型转换的烦恼
  • 贴心的重复命令报错
  • 严格的短选项,长选项报错。避免二义性选项诞生
  • 效验模式支持,不需要写一堆的if x!= "" or if y!=0浪费青春的代码
  • 可以获取命令优先级别,方便设置命令别名
  • 解析flag包代码生成clop代码



 go get github.com/guonaihong/clop 

Quick start

 package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/guonaihong/clop" ) type Hello struct { File string `clop:"-f; --file" usage:"file"` } func main() { h := Hello{} clop.SetVersion("v0.2.0") clop.SetAbout("这是一个简单的示例demo") clop.Bind(&h) fmt.Printf("%#v\n", h) } // ./one -f test // main.Hello{File:"test"} // ./one --file test // main.Hello{File:"test"}


base type


 package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/guonaihong/clop" ) type IntDemo struct { Int int `clop:"short;long" usage:"int"` } func main() { id := &IntDemo{} clop.Bind(id) fmt.Printf("id = %v\n", id) } // ./int -i 3 // id = &{3} // ./int --int 3 // id = &{3}


 package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/guonaihong/clop" ) type Float64Demo struct { Float64 float64 `clop:"short;long" usage:"float64"` } func main() { fd := &Float64Demo{} clop.Bind(fd) fmt.Printf("fd = %v\n", fd) } // ./float64 -f 3.14 // fd = &{3.14} // ./float64 --float64 3.14 // fd = &{3.14}


 package main import ( "fmt" "time" "github.com/guonaihong/clop" ) type DurationDemo struct { Duration time.Duration `clop:"short;long" usage:"duration"` } func main() { dd := &DurationDemo{} clop.Bind(dd) fmt.Printf("dd = %v\n", dd) } // ./duration -d 1h // dd = &{1h0m0s} // ./duration --duration 1h // dd = &{1h0m0s}


 package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/guonaihong/clop" ) type StringDemo struct { String string `clop:"short;long" usage:"string"` } func main() { s := &StringDemo{} clop.Bind(s) fmt.Printf("s = %v\n", s) } // ./string --string hello // s = &{hello} // ./string -s hello // s = &{hello}


similar to curl command

 package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/guonaihong/clop" ) type ArrayDemo struct { Header []string `clop:"-H;long" usage:"header"` } func main() { h := &ArrayDemo{} clop.Bind(h) fmt.Printf("h = %v\n", h) } // ./array -H session:sid --header token:my // h = &{[session:sid token:my]}

similar to join command


 package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/guonaihong/clop" ) type test struct { A []int `clop:"-a;greedy" usage:"test array"` B int `clop:"-b" usage:"test int"` } func main() { a := &test{} clop.Bind(a) fmt.Printf("%#v\n", a) } /* 运行 ./use_array -a 12 34 56 78 -b 100 输出 &main.test{A:[]int{12, 34, 56, 78}, B:100} */

required flag

 package main import ( "github.com/guonaihong/clop" ) type curl struct { Url string `clop:"-u; --url" usage:"url" valid:"required"` } func main() { c := curl{} clop.Bind(&c) } // ./required  // error: -u; --url must have a value! // For more information try --help

set default value

可以使用default tag设置默认值,普通类型直接写,复合类型用json表示

 package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/guonaihong/clop" ) type defaultExample struct { Int int `default:"1"` Float64 float64 `default:"3.64"` Float32 float32 `default:"3.32"` SliceString []string `default:"[\"one\", \"two\"]"` SliceInt []int `default:"[1,2,3,4,5]"` SliceFloat64 []float64 `default:"[1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4,5.5]"` } func main() { de := defaultExample{} clop.Bind(&de) fmt.Printf("%v\n", de) } // run // ./use_def // output: // {1 3.64 3.32 [one two] [1 2 3 4 5] [1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5]}

Support environment variables

custom environment variable name

 // file name use_env.go package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/guonaihong/clop" ) type env struct { OmpNumThread string `clop:"env=omp_num_thread" usage:"omp num thread"` Path string `clop:"env=XPATH" usage:"xpath"` Max int `clop:"env=MAX" usage:"max thread"` } func main() { e := env{} clop.Bind(&e) fmt.Printf("%#v\n", e) } // run // env XPATH=`pwd` omp_num_thread=3 MAX=4 ./use_env  // output // main.env{OmpNumThread:"3", Path:"/home/guo", Max:4}

Quick writing of environment variables

使用env tag会根据结构体名, 生成一个环境变量名, 规则就是驼峰命令名, 改成大写下划线

 // file name use_env.go package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/guonaihong/clop" ) type env struct { OmpNumThread string `clop:"env" usage:"omp num thread"` Xpath string `clop:"env" usage:"xpath"` Max int `clop:"env" usage:"max thread"` } func main() { e := env{} clop.Bind(&e) fmt.Printf("%#v\n", e) } // run // env XPATH=`pwd` OMP_NUM_THREAD=3 MAX=4 ./use_env  // output // main.env{OmpNumThread:"3", Xpath:"/home/guo", Max:4}


Sub command implementation method 1

 package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/guonaihong/clop" ) type add struct { All bool `clop:"-A; --all" usage:"add changes from all tracked and untracked files"` Force bool `clop:"-f; --force" usage:"allow adding otherwise ignored files"` Pathspec []string `clop:"args=pathspec"` } type mv struct { Force bool `clop:"-f; --force" usage:"allow adding otherwise ignored files"` } type git struct { Add add `clop:"subcommand=add" usage:"Add file contents to the index"` Mv mv `clop:"subcommand=mv" usage:"Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink"` } func main() { g := git{} clop.Bind(&g) fmt.Printf("git:%#v\n", g) fmt.Printf("git:set mv(%t) or set add(%t)\n", clop.IsSetSubcommand("mv"), clop.IsSetSubcommand("add")) switch { case clop.IsSetSubcommand("mv"): fmt.Printf("subcommand mv\n") case clop.IsSetSubcommand("add"): fmt.Printf("subcommand add\n") } } // run: // ./git add -f // output: // git:main.git{Add:main.add{All:false, Force:true, Pathspec:[]string(nil)}, Mv:main.mv{Force:false}} // git:set mv(false) or set add(true) // subcommand add

Sub command implementation method 2

使用clop实现子命令的第2种做法, 子命令结构体只要实现SubMain方法, 该方法clop库会帮你自动调用. 省去在main里面写一堆if else判断(相对方法1来说), 特别是子命令特别多的情况, 推荐用这种方法.

 package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/guonaihong/clop" ) type add struct { All bool `clop:"-A; --all" usage:"add changes from all tracked and untracked files"` Force bool `clop:"-f; --force" usage:"allow adding otherwise ignored files"` Pathspec []string `clop:"args=pathspec"` } func (a *add) SubMain() { // 当add子命令被设置时 // clop会自动调用这个函数 } type mv struct { Force bool `clop:"-f; --force" usage:"allow adding otherwise ignored files"` } func (m *mv) SubMain() { // 当mv 子命令被设置时 // clop会自动调用这个函数 } type git struct { Add add `clop:"subcommand=add" usage:"Add file contents to the index"` Mv mv `clop:"subcommand=mv" usage:"Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink"` } func main() { g := git{} clop.Bind(&g) }

Get command priority

 package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/guonaihong/clop" ) type cat struct { NumberNonblank bool `clop:"-b;--number-nonblank"  usage:"number nonempty output lines, overrides"` ShowEnds bool `clop:"-E;--show-ends"  usage:"display $ at end of each line"` } func main() { c := cat{} clop.Bind(&c) if clop.GetIndex("number-nonblank") < clop.GetIndex("show-ends") { fmt.Printf("cat -b -E\n") } else { fmt.Printf("cat -E -b \n") } } // cat -be  // 输出 cat -b -E // cat -Eb // 输出 cat -E -b

Can only be set once


 package main import ( "github.com/guonaihong/clop" ) type Once struct { Debug bool `clop:"-d; --debug; once" usage:"debug mode"` } func main() { o := Once{} clop.Bind(&o) } /* ./once -debug -debug error: The argument '-d' was provided more than once, but cannot be used multiple times For more information try --help */

quick write

快速写法,通过使用固定的short, long tag生成短,长选项。可以和 cat 例子直观比较下。命令行选项越多,越能节约时间,提升效率。

 package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/guonaihong/clop" ) type cat struct { NumberNonblank bool `clop:"-c;long"   usage:"number nonempty output lines, overrides"` ShowEnds bool `clop:"-E;long"   usage:"display $ at end of each line"` Number bool `clop:"-n;long"   usage:"number all output lines"` SqueezeBlank bool `clop:"-s;long"   usage:"suppress repeated empty output lines"` ShowTab bool `clop:"-T;long"   usage:"display TAB characters as ^I"` ShowNonprinting bool `clop:"-v;long"   usage:"use ^ and M- notation, except for LFD and TAB" ` Files []string `clop:"args=files"` } func main() { c := cat{} err := clop.Bind(&c) fmt.Printf("%#v, %s\n", c, err) }

Multi structure series

多结构体串联功能. 多结构体统一组成一个命令行视图

如果命令行解析是要怼到多个(>=2)结构体里面, 可以使用结构体串联功能, 前面几个结构体使用clop.Register()接口, 最后一个结构体使用clop.Bind()函数.

 /* ┌────────────────┐ │ │ │ │ │ ServerAddress │ ┌─────────────────────┐ ├────────────────┤ │ │ │ │ ──────────────────► │ │ │ │ │ clop.MustRegitser()│ │ Rate │ │ │ │ │ └─────────────────────┘ └────────────────┘ ┌────────────────┐ │ │ │ ThreadNum │ │ │ ┌─────────────────────┐ │ │ │ │ ├────────────────┤ ──────────────────► │ │ │ │ │ clop.Bind() │ │ OpenVad │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └────────────────┘ └─────────────────────┘  */ type Server struct { ServerAddress string `clop:"long" usage:"Server address"` Rate time.Duration `clop:"long" usage:"The speed at which audio is sent"` } type Asr struct{ ThreadNum int `clop:"long" usage:"thread number"` OpenVad bool `clop:"long" usage:"open vad"` } func main() { asr := Asr{} ser := Server{} clop.MustRegister(&asr) clop.Bind(&ser) } // 可以使用如下命令行参数测试下效果 // ./example --server-address", ":8080", "--rate", "1s", "--thread-num", "20", "--open-vad"

Advanced features


Parsing flag code to generate clop code

让你爽翻天, 如果你的command想迁移至clop, 但是面对众多的flag代码, 又不想花费太多时间在无谓的人肉code转换上, 这时候你就需要clop命令, 一行命令解决你的痛点.


 go get github.com/guonaihong/clop/cmd/clop



 clop -f main.go


 package main import "flag" func main() { s := flag.String("string", "", "string usage") i := flag.Int("int", "", "int usage") flag.Parse() }


 package main import ( "github.com/guonaihong/clop" ) type flagAutoGen struct { Flag string `clop:"--string" usage:"string usage" ` Flag int `clop:"--int" usage:"int usage" ` } func main() { var flagVar flagAutoGen clop.Bind(&flagVar) }

Implementing linux command options


 package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/guonaihong/clop" ) type cat struct { NumberNonblank bool `clop:"-c;--number-nonblank"   usage:"number nonempty output lines, overrides"` ShowEnds bool `clop:"-E;--show-ends"   usage:"display $ at end of each line"` Number bool `clop:"-n;--number"   usage:"number all output lines"` SqueezeBlank bool `clop:"-s;--squeeze-blank"   usage:"suppress repeated empty output lines"` ShowTab bool `clop:"-T;--show-tabs"   usage:"display TAB characters as ^I"` ShowNonprinting bool `clop:"-v;--show-nonprinting"   usage:"use ^ and M- notation, except for LFD and TAB" ` Files []string `clop:"args=files"` } func main() { c := cat{} err := clop.Bind(&c) fmt.Printf("%#v, %s\n", c, err) } /* Usage:  ./cat [Flags] <files>  Flags:  -E,--show-ends display $ at end of each line   -T,--show-tabs display TAB characters as ^I   -c,--number-nonblank number nonempty output lines, overrides   -n,--number number all output lines   -s,--squeeze-blank suppress repeated empty output lines   -v,--show-nonprinting use ^ and M- notation, except for LFD and TAB  Args:  <files> */  









