void DBImpl::MaybeScheduleCompaction() { mutex_.AssertHeld(); if (background_compaction_scheduled_) { // Already scheduled } else if (shutting_down_.Acquire_Load()) { // DB is being deleted; no more background compactions } else if (!bg_error_.ok()) { // Already got an error; no more changes } else if (imm_ == nullptr && manual_compaction_ == nullptr && !versions_->NeedsCompaction()) { // No work to be done } else { background_compaction_scheduled_ = true; env_->Schedule(&DBImpl::BGWork, this); } }
void DBImpl::BGWork(void *db) { reinterpret_cast<DBImpl *>(db)->BackgroundCall(); }
void DBImpl::BackgroundCall() { MutexLock l(&mutex_); assert(background_compaction_scheduled_); if (shutting_down_.Acquire_Load()) { // No more background work when shutting down. } else if (!bg_error_.ok()) { // No more background work after a background error. } else { BackgroundCompaction(); } background_compaction_scheduled_ = false; // Previous compaction may have produced too many files in a level, // so reschedule another compaction if needed. MaybeScheduleCompaction(); background_work_finished_signal_.SignalAll(); }
void DBImpl::BackgroundCompaction()
如果immutable table存在则先调用CompactMemTable函数:
mutex_.AssertHeld(); if (imm_ != nullptr) { CompactMemTable(); return; }
else { c = versions_->PickCompaction(); }
Status status; if (c == nullptr) { // Nothing to do } else if (!is_manual && c->IsTrivialMove()) { // Move file to next level assert(c->num_input_files(0) == 1); FileMetaData *f = c->input(0, 0); c->edit()->DeleteFile(c->level(), f->number); c->edit()->AddFile(c->level() + 1, f->number, f->file_size, f->smallest, f->largest); status = versions_->LogAndApply(c->edit(), &mutex_); if (!status.ok()) { RecordBackgroundError(status); } VersionSet::LevelSummaryStorage tmp; Log(options_.info_log, "Moved #%lld to level-%d %lld bytes %s: %s\n", static_cast<unsigned long long>(f->number), c->level() + 1, static_cast<unsigned long long>(f->file_size), status.ToString().c_str(), versions_->LevelSummary(&tmp)); }
else { CompactionState *compact = new CompactionState(c); status = DoCompactionWork(compact); if (!status.ok()) { RecordBackgroundError(status); } CleanupCompaction(compact); c->ReleaseInputs(); DeleteObsoleteFiles(); } delete c;
Compaction *VersionSet::PickCompaction()
Compaction *c; int level; // We prefer compactions triggered by too much data in a level over // the compactions triggered by seeks. const bool size_compaction = (current_->compaction_score_ >= 1); const bool seek_compaction = (current_->file_to_compact_ != nullptr); if (size_compaction) { level = current_->compaction_level_; assert(level >= 0); assert(level + 1 < config::kNumLevels); c = new Compaction(options_, level); // Pick the first file that comes after compact_pointer_[level] for (size_t i = 0; i < current_->files_[level].size(); i++) { FileMetaData *f = current_->files_[level][i]; if (compact_pointer_[level].empty() || icmp_.Compare(f->largest.Encode(), compact_pointer_[level]) > 0) { c->inputs_[0].push_back(f); break; } } if (c->inputs_[0].empty()) { // Wrap-around to the beginning of the key space c->inputs_[0].push_back(current_->files_[level][0]); } }
else if (seek_compaction) { level = current_->file_to_compact_level_; c = new Compaction(options_, level); c->inputs_[0].push_back(current_->file_to_compact_); }
c->input_version_ = current_; c->input_version_->Ref(); // Files in level 0 may overlap each other, so pick up all overlapping ones if (level == 0) { InternalKey smallest, largest; GetRange(c->inputs_[0], &smallest, &largest); // Note that the next call will discard the file we placed in // c->inputs_[0] earlier and replace it with an overlapping set // which will include the picked file. current_->GetOverlappingInputs(0, &smallest, &largest, &c->inputs_[0]); assert(!c->inputs_[0].empty()); } SetupOtherInputs(c); return c;
void DBImpl::CompactMemTable()
调用WriteLevel0Table将immutable mmtable写入sstable:
mutex_.AssertHeld(); assert(imm_ != nullptr); // Save the contents of the memtable as a new Table VersionEdit edit; Version *base = versions_->current(); base->Ref(); Status s = WriteLevel0Table(imm_, &edit, base); base->Unref(); if (s.ok() && shutting_down_.Acquire_Load()) { s = Status::IOError("Deleting DB during memtable compaction"); }
// Replace immutable memtable with the generated Table if (s.ok()) { edit.SetPrevLogNumber(0); edit.SetLogNumber(logfile_number_); // Earlier logs no longer needed s = versions_->LogAndApply(&edit, &mutex_); }
if (s.ok()) { // Commit to the new state imm_->Unref(); imm_ = nullptr; has_imm_.Release_Store(nullptr); DeleteObsoleteFiles(); } else { RecordBackgroundError(s); }
Status DBImpl::WriteLevel0Table(MemTable *mem, VersionEdit *edit, Version *base)
调用BuildTable接口将immutable memtable写入sstable:
mutex_.AssertHeld(); const uint64_t start_micros = env_->NowMicros(); FileMetaData meta; meta.number = versions_->NewFileNumber(); pending_outputs_.insert(meta.number); Iterator *iter = mem->NewIterator(); Log(options_.info_log, "Level-0 table #%llu: started", (unsigned long long)meta.number); Status s; { mutex_.Unlock(); s = BuildTable(dbname_, env_, options_, table_cache_, iter, &meta); mutex_.Lock(); } Log(options_.info_log, "Level-0 table #%llu: %lld bytes %s", (unsigned long long)meta.number, (unsigned long long)meta.file_size, s.ToString().c_str()); delete iter; pending_outputs_.erase(meta.number);
// Note that if file_size is zero, the file has been deleted and // should not be added to the manifest. int level = 0; if (s.ok() && meta.file_size > 0) { const Slice min_user_key = meta.smallest.user_key(); const Slice max_user_key = meta.largest.user_key(); if (base != nullptr) { level = base->PickLevelForMemTableOutput(min_user_key, max_user_key); } edit->AddFile(level, meta.number, meta.file_size, meta.smallest, meta.largest); } CompactionStats stats; stats.micros = env_->NowMicros() - start_micros; stats.bytes_written = meta.file_size; stats_[level].Add(stats); return s;
int Version::PickLevelForMemTableOutput( const Slice &smallest_user_key, const Slice &largest_user_key) { int level = 0; if (!OverlapInLevel(0, &smallest_user_key, &largest_user_key)) { // Push to next level if there is no overlap in next level, // and the #bytes overlapping in the level after that are limited. InternalKey start(smallest_user_key, kMaxSequenceNumber, kValueTypeForSeek); InternalKey limit(largest_user_key, 0, static_cast<ValueType>(0)); std::vector<FileMetaData *> overlaps; while (level < config::kMaxMemCompactLevel) { if (OverlapInLevel(level + 1, &smallest_user_key, &largest_user_key)) { break; } if (level + 2 < config::kNumLevels) { // Check that file does not overlap too many grandparent bytes. GetOverlappingInputs(level + 2, &start, &limit, &overlaps); const int64_t sum = TotalFileSize(overlaps); if (sum > MaxGrandParentOverlapBytes(vset_->options_)) { break; } } level++; } } return level; }
Status DBImpl::DoCompactionWork(CompactionState *compact)
const uint64_t start_micros = env_->NowMicros(); int64_t imm_micros = 0; // Micros spent doing imm_ compactions Log(options_.info_log, "Compacting %d@%d + %d@%d files", compact->compaction->num_input_files(0), compact->compaction->level(), compact->compaction->num_input_files(1), compact->compaction->level() + 1); assert(versions_->NumLevelFiles(compact->compaction->level()) > 0); assert(compact->builder == nullptr); assert(compact->outfile == nullptr); if (snapshots_.empty()) { compact->smallest_snapshot = versions_->LastSequence(); } else { compact->smallest_snapshot = snapshots_.oldest()->sequence_number(); }
// Release mutex while we're actually doing the compaction work mutex_.Unlock(); Iterator *input = versions_->MakeInputIterator(compact->compaction); input->SeekToFirst(); Status status; ParsedInternalKey ikey; std::string current_user_key; bool has_current_user_key = false; SequenceNumber last_sequence_for_key = kMaxSequenceNumber;
开始通过迭代器遍历需要compact的文件。首先,如果有immutable memtable存在,首先调用CompactMemTable函数进行compact。
for (; input->Valid() && !shutting_down_.Acquire_Load();) { // Prioritize immutable compaction work if (has_imm_.NoBarrier_Load() != nullptr) { const uint64_t imm_start = env_->NowMicros(); mutex_.Lock(); if (imm_ != nullptr) { CompactMemTable(); // Wake up MakeRoomForWrite() if necessary. background_work_finished_signal_.SignalAll(); } mutex_.Unlock(); imm_micros += (env_->NowMicros() - imm_start); }
Slice key = input->key(); if (compact->compaction->ShouldStopBefore(key) && compact->builder != nullptr) { status = FinishCompactionOutputFile(compact, input); if (!status.ok()) { break; } }
// Handle key/value, add to state, etc. bool drop = false; if (!ParseInternalKey(key, &ikey)) { // Do not hide error keys current_user_key.clear(); has_current_user_key = false; last_sequence_for_key = kMaxSequenceNumber; } else { if (!has_current_user_key || user_comparator()->Compare(ikey.user_key, Slice(current_user_key)) != 0) { // First occurrence of this user key current_user_key.assign(ikey.user_key.data(), ikey.user_key.size()); has_current_user_key = true; last_sequence_for_key = kMaxSequenceNumber; } if (last_sequence_for_key <= compact->smallest_snapshot) { // Hidden by an newer entry for same user key drop = true; // (A) } else if (ikey.type == kTypeDeletion && ikey.sequence <= compact->smallest_snapshot && compact->compaction->IsBaseLevelForKey(ikey.user_key)) { // For this user key: // (1) there is no data in higher levels // (2) data in lower levels will have larger sequence numbers // (3) data in layers that are being compacted here and have // smaller sequence numbers will be dropped in the next // few iterations of this loop (by rule (A) above). // Therefore this deletion marker is obsolete and can be dropped. drop = true; } last_sequence_for_key = ikey.sequence; }
if (!drop) { // Open output file if necessary if (compact->builder == nullptr) { status = OpenCompactionOutputFile(compact); if (!status.ok()) { break; } } if (compact->builder->NumEntries() == 0) { compact->current_output()->smallest.DecodeFrom(key); } compact->current_output()->largest.DecodeFrom(key); compact->builder->Add(key, input->value()); // Close output file if it is big enough if (compact->builder->FileSize() >= compact->compaction->MaxOutputFileSize()) { status = FinishCompactionOutputFile(compact, input); if (!status.ok()) { break; } } }
input->Next(); }
if (status.ok() && shutting_down_.Acquire_Load()) { status = Status::IOError("Deleting DB during compaction"); } if (status.ok() && compact->builder != nullptr) { status = FinishCompactionOutputFile(compact, input); } if (status.ok()) { status = input->status(); } delete input; input = nullptr;
CompactionStats stats; stats.micros = env_->NowMicros() - start_micros - imm_micros; for (int which = 0; which < 2; which++) { for (int i = 0; i < compact->compaction->num_input_files(which); i++) { stats.bytes_read += compact->compaction->input(which, i)->file_size; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < compact->outputs.size(); i++) { stats.bytes_written += compact->outputs[i].file_size; } mutex_.Lock(); stats_[compact->compaction->level() + 1].Add(stats);
if (status.ok()) { status = InstallCompactionResults(compact); } if (!status.ok()) { RecordBackgroundError(status); } VersionSet::LevelSummaryStorage tmp; Log(options_.info_log, "compacted to: %s", versions_->LevelSummary(&tmp)); return status;
230 Love u
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TableBuilder生成sstable(include/table_builder.h table/table_builder.cc) LevelDB使用TableBuilder来构建sstable,并基于TableBuilder封装了一个BuildTable接口,用于将memtable转换为sstable。 sstable的格式为: datablock1 | datablock2 | ... | metablock1 | metablock2 | ... | metaindexblock | indexblock | footer datablock即为存储KV数据的块,metablock为相应datablock的元信息的块(并未实现),metaindexblock为metablock的索引块(并未实现),indexblock为datablock的索引块。 footer的数据格式为: metablockhandle | indexblockhandle | padding | magic metablockhandle为metaindexblock的索引,indexblockha...
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Get LevelDB提供了Get接口用于给定key的查找: Status DBImpl::Get(const ReadOptions &options, const Slice &key, std::string *value) Get操作可以指定在某个snapshot的情况下进行,如果指定了snapshot,则获取该snapshot的sequencenumber,如果没有指定snapshot,就取当前最新的sequencenumber: Status s; MutexLock l(&mutex_); SequenceNumber snapshot; if (options.snapshot != nullptr) { snapshot = static_cast<const SnapshotImpl *>(options.snapshot)->sequence_number(); } else { snapshot = versions_->LastSequence(); } MemTable *mem = mem_; MemTabl...