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1. 安装java
 下载jdk: yum install ./jdk-8u201-linux-x64.rpm 执行: JDK_DIRS=($(ls -d /usr/java/jdk*)) JDK_VER=${JDK_DIRS[@]:(-1)} alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/"${JDK_VER##*/}"/jre/bin/java 20000 alternatives --install /usr/bin/jar jar /usr/java/"${JDK_VER##*/}"/bin/jar 20000 alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /usr/java/"${JDK_VER##*/}"/bin/javac 20000 alternatives --install /usr/bin/javaws javaws /usr/java/"${JDK_VER##*/}"/jre/bin/javaws 20000 alternatives --set java /usr/java/"${JDK_VER##*/}"/jre/bin/java alternatives --set javaws /usr/java/"${JDK_VER##*/}"/jre/bin/javaws alternatives --set javac /usr/java/"${JDK_VER##*/}"/bin/javac alternatives --set jar /usr/java/"${JDK_VER##*/}"/bin/jar 测试: java -version
2. 安装git
 yum install git
3. 安装mariadb
 yum install mariadb mariadb-server # 修改配置文件 vim /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf # 添加如下内容: [mysqld] #log-bin=mysql-bin #binlog_format=mixed bind-address = # 重启mariadb systemctl restart mariadb # 配置数据库 命令: mysql_secure_installation 执行过程: Enter current password for root (enter for none): ENTER Set root password? [Y/n] Y Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] Y Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] Y Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] Y Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] Y # 创建数据库 命令: mysql -u root -p CREATE USER 'gerrit2'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123456'; CREATE DATABASE reviewdb DEFAULT CHARACTER SET 'utf8'; GRANT ALL ON reviewdb.* TO 'gerrit2'@'localhost'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; # 执行如下命令(重启,查看状态,设置为开机启动) systemctl restart mariadb systemctl status mariadb systemctl enable mariadb
4. 安装httpd
 yum install httpd httpd-tools openssl mod_ssl
4.1 配置反向代理
 vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/options.conf # 内容如下: TraceEnable off ## Disable Signature ServerSignature Off ## Disable Banner ServerTokens Prod
 vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/vhosts.conf # 内容如下: # Load my vhosts IncludeOptional vhosts.d/*.conf
 # 创建目录 mkdir /etc/httpd/vhosts.d
 # 写配置文件 vim /etc/httpd/vhosts.d/gerrit.conf # 写入以下内容: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ProxyRequests Off ProxyVia Off ProxyPreserveHost On <Proxy *> Order deny,allow Allow from all </Proxy> <Location /gerrit/login/> AuthType Basic AuthName "Gerrit Code Review" AuthBasicProvider file AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/gerrit.passwd Require valid-user </Location> AllowEncodedSlashes On ProxyPass /gerrit/ nocanon </VirtualHost>
4.2 添加httpd用户
 # 此处添加http用户,用于访问页面时登陆 # 用户在首次登陆web页面时,会在gerrit中创建同名用户 htpasswd -c /etc/httpd/gerrit.passwd admin # 启动httpd systemctl start httpd systemctl status httpd systemctl enable httpd
5. 安装gerrit
5.1 添加用户gerrit2
 # gerrit2用户用于安装gerrit useradd -m gerrit2 su - gerrit2
5.2 使用用户gerrit2安装gerrit
 # 切换为gerrit2用户,在/home/gerrit2路径下安装 # 安装路径为:/home/gerrit2/gerrit-review/ mv gerrit*.war gerrit.war java -jar gerrit.war init -d /home/gerrit2/gerrit-review/ # 执行过程如下: [gerrit2@vcentos ~]$ java -jar gerrit.war init -d /home/gerrit2/gerrit-review/ Using secure store: com.google.gerrit.server.securestore.DefaultSecureStore [2019-02-21 07:56:31,323] [main] INFO com.google.gerrit.server.config.GerritServerConfigProvider : No /home/gerrit2/gerrit-review/etc/gerrit.config; assuming defaults *** Gerrit Code Review 2.16.5 *** *** Git Repositories *** Location of Git repositories [git]: # git仓库路径,默认即可 *** SQL Database *** Database server type [h2]: mariadb Gerrit Code Review is not shipped with MariaDB Connector/J 2.3.0 ** This library is required for your configuration. ** Download and install it now [Y/n]? y Downloading https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/mariadb/jdbc/mariadb-java-client/2.3.0/mariadb-java-client-2.3.0.jar ... OK Checksum mariadb-java-client-2.3.0.jar OK Server hostname [localhost]: # 默认 Server port [(mariadb default)]: # 默认 Database name [reviewdb]: # 默认 Database username [gerrit2]: # 默认 gerrit2's password : 123456 confirm password : 123456 *** Index *** Type [lucene/?]: # 默认 *** User Authentication *** Authentication method [openid/?]: http Get username from custom HTTP header [y/N]? # 默认 SSO logout URL :# 默认 Enable signed push support [y/N]? # 默认 *** Review Labels *** Install Verified label [y/N]? # 默认 *** Email Delivery *** SMTP server hostname [localhost]: # 默认 SMTP server port [(default)]: # 默认 SMTP encryption [none/?]: # 默认 SMTP username : 邮箱 wuyq5217@foxmail.com's password : #密码:123456 confirm password : # 密码:123456 *** Container Process *** Run as [gerrit2]: # 默认 Java runtime [/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_201-amd64/jre]: # 默认 Copy gerrit.war to /home/gerrit2/gerrit-review/bin/gerrit.war [Y/n]? # 默认 Copying gerrit.war to /home/gerrit2/gerrit-review/bin/gerrit.war *** SSH Daemon *** Listen on address [*]: # 默认 Listen on port [29418]: # 默认 Generating SSH host key ... rsa... ed25519... ecdsa 256... ecdsa 384... ecdsa 521... done *** HTTP Daemon *** Behind reverse proxy [y/N]? y Proxy uses SSL (https://) [y/N]? # 默认 Subdirectory on proxy server [/]: /gerrit/ Listen on address [*]:# 默认 Listen on port [8081]: # 默认 Canonical URL []: # 此处为登陆web所有地址 *** Cache *** *** Plugins *** Installing plugins. Install plugin codemirror-editor version v2.16.5 [y/N]? y Installed codemirror-editor v2.16.5 Install plugin commit-message-length-validator version v2.16.5 [y/N]? y Installed commit-message-length-validator v2.16.5 Install plugin download-commands version v2.16.5 [y/N]? y Installed download-commands v2.16.5 Install plugin hooks version v2.16.5 [y/N]? y Installed hooks v2.16.5 Install plugin replication version v2.16.5 [y/N]? y Installed replication v2.16.5 Install plugin reviewnotes version v2.16.5 [y/N]? y Installed reviewnotes v2.16.5 Install plugin singleusergroup version v2.16.5 [y/N]? y Installed singleusergroup v2.16.5 Initializing plugins. Initialized /home/gerrit2/gerrit-review Init complete, reindexing projects with: reindex --site-path /home/gerrit2/gerrit-review --threads 1 --Reindexing projects: 100% (2/2) Reindexed 2 documents in projects index in 0.1s (29.0/s) # 执行命令 java -jar gerrit.war reindex -d /home/gerrit2/gerrit-review /home/gerrit2/gerrit-review/bin/gerrit.sh start # gerrit开机启动 vim /home/gerrit2/gerrit-review/bin/gerrit.sh # 添加内容: GERRIT_SITE=/home/gerrit2/gerrit-review NO_START=0 ln -snf /home/gerrit2/gerrit-review/bin/gerrit.sh /etc/init.d/gerrit vim /etc/rc.local # 添加内容: service gerrit start
6. 安装gitweb
 yum install gitweb vim /home/gerrit2/gerrit-review/etc/gerrit.config # 添加如下内容 [gitweb] type = gitweb cgi = /var/www/git/gitweb.cgi
7. 浏览器访问gerrit











